Adding Teammates on Little Warrior

Life is a lot like in Little Warrior. You can't leave like an island, and as such you need to add more teammates! You can now add existing warriors as your teammates. Group fighting is also available. More Teammates = More Powerful...

How to add Teammates on Little Warrior
Simply click on My Teammates tab on your Little Warrior dashboard and start inviting friends! It's that easy!
Adding Teammates on Little Warrior

Benefits of having teammates on Little Warrior
1. Well, first you get to cooperate with your friends and/or discover new friends! Add me up, 'keyborg'.
2. Buying stuffs on Little Warrior (items or skills) require a minimum number of teammates. So better get socializing!
3. It is really a wonderful feeling to receive (hopefully) unexpected free gifts from kind teammates! So be kind to everyone and you shall receive as you give.
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